Silverdale Baptist Church

Organization Information
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7236 Bonny Oaks Drive Chattanooga, TN 37421
Phone: 423-892-2173

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Silverdale Baptist Church
About Us


As a church, we have discovered the Christian life is made up of three basic principles. If you will live by these principles, you will experience an authentic, growing and vibrant relationship with God and fulfill His purpose for your life. These three basics of the Christian life are to WORSHIPGROW and SERVE.

As a church, we provide environments where you can experience each of these essential purposes. Members should make a commitment to each purpose every week. So, make sure that you attend a worship service each week where you can connect with God in song and Scripture. Plug into and participate in a small group so that you can grow spiritually and relationally. And then find a place of service in the church where you can care and minister to the needs of others.

Additional Details
Pastor: Tony Walliser
Size: 2000+

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