
Stetson Baptist Church

Organization Information
View Stetson Baptist Church's directory

1025 W Minnesota Ave DeLand, FL 32720
Phone: 386-734-1991

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Stetson Baptist Church

Stetson Baptist Church Business Directory Disclaimer

We sincerely appreciate the support of each business in this directory. It is important to remember that whenever you are making a substantial financial decision, it is always a good practice to consider the following guidelines:

1) Ask the business for two to three references.

2) Get two to three job bids.

3) Always get the details of the proposed transaction in writing.

It is your responsibility to research the business you are considering and remember, neither this organization nor ChristiansInBusiness.com can be held responsible for transactions between businesses and consumers. We do our very best to make corrections and keep CIB current, however, ChristiansInBusiness can not be held responsible for any omissions or errors on this website.

I accept the above disclaimer as well as the CIB Terms and Conditions outlined here.