Hope City Houston

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935 Echo Lane Houston, TX 77024

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Hope City Houston
About Us


In 2014 we felt that God had called us to plant a life-giving church in the Greater Houston area early in 2015. We love this city and the people here and the need for Jesus is great.

According to a recent Rice University study, not only has Houston surpassed New York City as the most international city in our country but it is also growing by more than 2,000 people per week. This astonishing rate of growth has been consistent for more than a decade and shows no signs of stopping. That’s one mega-church per week moving in to the city.

Houston’s needs are great. It is considered the epicenter of human trafficking in the United States. The I-10 corridor is the most heavily traveled thoroughfare for traffickers and victims of international human trafficking.  Hundreds of “massage parlors” exist in the greater Houston area.  Many of them are filled with illegally trafficked women and children.  With nearly 6.3 million people in the Greater Houston area it is one of the most massive mission fields in the world.

Our hearts are turned towards this city and its people. We’ve already seen God do awesome things here and we believe that was just the beginning. Hope City launched on January 25 and is a thriving church that not only teaches the eternal truths of the Word of God, but also mobilizes individuals and families to live them out every day. We want to give people the opportunity to find the life-altering love of Jesus Christ. We believe that this church will impact generations of believers and ignite them to spread the hope of Jesus like wildfire. We will see countless thousands finding their destinies by equipping, empowering, and releasing them to fulfill their God-given passions. Hope City is a haven for the broken and the lonely that have been overlooked, lost, and forgotten. From the starving artists to the booming business professionals we have all come together under the banner of hope in Jesus.

We want to touch Heaven and shake the Earth.

We see a church filled with people who are loving God, loving people, and changing the world.





Additional Details
Pastor: Jeremy Foster
Size: 2000+
Year Est: 2014

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