For many of you the whole idea of using essential oils may be strange or at least very, very new. If you are like many of us, you may not have even realized that there was an alternative; that natural options exist that are truly effective and don't carry the risk of side effects as some over-the-counter and prescription drugs.
But, why in the world would you want to choose essential oils to begin with?
One oil serves many different purposes. For example: lavender - we use that to enhance sleep, to help heal bruises and cuts and to soothe and heal burns! One oil can replace sleep drugs, burn creams and first-aid creams... all of which run the risk of side effects.
Oils are for the whole family! In our home we use them from the oldest to the youngest. What drug can you say that about? EO'S are non-toxic to our bodies, our kids, and even our pets. We have used peppermint oil to clear up my headaches and congestion and to lower my child’s fever. We have used Digize blend to keep nausea at bay and to help constipation and diarrhea. As a mom they are empowering as you realize there is something you can do to help pretty much anything that ails you or your family.
Oils are fun and easy... and with the members-only education group you will be added to should you decide to jump on board, they come with a boatload of education and help!
It is important to know that not all oils are created equally, as there are different grades of oils . Therapeutic grade oils that are not adulterated (meaning they don’t contain synthetic chemicals or compounds to compromise the safety and efficacy of the oil) are the very best oils that money can buy. This is why I am so passionate about Young Living oils specifically. Unlike so many oils available out there, Young Living oils can be trusted for their purity and therapeutic properties. Check out their seed to seal process at