Christians In Business Marketplace Minute ~ The Crucial Skill of Good Decision Making

The Crucial Skill of Good Decision


I have a couple of friends who refer to Peter Drucker as “The Source of the Nile.” They say when it comes to leadership, it begins with him.

It is hard to argue with their admiration of Drucker. Perhaps my favorite Drucker quote is, “Making good decisions is a crucial skill at every level.” 

Face the facts . . . Decision making is a huge part of your leadership. Every day you are faced with hundreds of decisions. From time management to meeting agendas, you set the tone for your team. Do you have a philosophy for how you make decisions?

I would suggest the following 5 questions to help you make the right calls.

1 – What is the right thing to do? Any time you make a decision after first considering your integrity, you will at least be able to sleep with a clear conscience.

2 – Is my decision true to the mission? If you are not true to your vision, in the end, it will always be the wrong thing to do.

3 – How will my decision affect other people? I know a leader who says, “I try to lead in the way I would want to be led.” That is a great philosophy to lead by. Never make decisions without considering others first.

4 – Am I prepared to deal with the consequences of a wrong decision? I have made my share of bad decisions. I am sure you have too. Knowing I am making the best decision I can, based on the information I have at the time, helps me to move on when things go south.

5 – What would God want me to do? I am a big believer in asking for help. I know of no one who is more capable of coming to my aid that God, Himself. Abraham Lincoln once said, “I have been driven many times upon my knees by the overwhelming conviction that I had nowhere else to go. My own wisdom and that of all about me seemed insufficient for that day.” If Abe prayed, you should too.

If you want to be a better leader, start by growing in your ability to make great decisions.

I hope the above suggestions will help.



What other questions would add to my list?

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Randy Gravitt

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